
Dr. Floyd Rx Product Reviews:

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“I have been TTC for 2 years, history of PCOS, thin endometrial lining, annovulation.  I had several unsuccessful medicated cycles where we got increasingly more aggressive to no avail.  I decided to take a break to work on my overall health and prepare my whole body for pregnancy. I found Better Balance Acupuncture and have been seeing Dr. Floyd for just over 2 months.  With her treatment plan of acupuncture, herbs and supplements my mental health is stabilizing and I can feel my body responding. This month I started a letrozole cycle on the lowest dose I had ever been on and some amazing things are happening.  I have a 23mm follicle ready to burst and a 10.67mm multi-layered lining!! This is the 1st time ever in my life that I have gotten a blazing positive OPK without a trigger shot and the thickest lining (by over 3mm) that I've ever had without taking Estrace. Literally, the only thing I am doing differently is the acupuncture and supplements.  I couldn't be more happy with Dr. Floyd and more proud of my body for listening and responding. Thank you!!!” -Marji

“Most of our sessions have been with Dr. Floyd, who is simultaneously a ball of energy and a still candle flame. It amazes me how animated she gets when she talks while applying the needles so gracefully. She and my wife connected almost instantly, easing the transition and making the experience much more meaningful. She used her knowledge, skills and experience to increase the chances of my wife’s second (IVF) procedure . . . with a resounding success. If you’re in the Greater Sacramento area, and need a little bit of alternative medicine to increase your chances for pregnancy, whether it’s natural or in-vitro, I highly suggest looking her up. Not only will they make it worth your while with the result, but also the experience leading up.” -Errol

"When I was referred to Dr. Floyd, I was hopeless, discouraged and scared. I had suffered a miscarriage in early September and was still heavily bleeding (borderline hemorrhaging) in late October. I had seen several doctors, had several barbaric procedures performed, and was told I had a hormone imbalance, was prescribed birth control as a last ditch effort and told to come back in 3 months. Dr. Floyd called me after reading my email inquiry and got me in the next day. I remember asking in the first moments of our appointment if she could help me and her response, "I'd like to try." And so my healing journey began. She performed one acupuncture treatment on me and started me on a strategic herb blend and my bleeding, to my total disbelief, abruptly stopped 24 hours after my first appointment! Since then I have seen her regularly, stayed on my herbs and have had 2 totally normal cycles that have been better (and more regular) than anything I had experienced previous. Now not only am I healed, but we can consider growing our family once again. I have told everyone I know about this experience. Anyone dealing with anything related to hormones, cycles, fertility, or has suffered a miscarriage, should not hesitate to be seen by Dr. Floyd. She takes time, listens, pays attention, asks good questions and helps you HEAL. Thank you so much to Dr. Floyd and her staff. I am so thankful. I have never in my life received such real care from a physician." -Kate

“I cannot sing her praises enough. She is truly AMAZING. I came to her for help with unexplained infertility and she has been an absolute godsend on my journey. From the moment I met Dr. Floyd, I just loved her. Her friendly and positive bedside manner set me right at ease and I was struck by how caring and genuine she was. She is so knowledgeable in her field; an artist in Chinese Medicine and an expert in fertility. I learn so much from her and the custom treatments she gives me make me feel so peaceful and relaxed. It's like being enveloped in a total cocoon for an hour! I've been on the journey to conceive my first child for quite some time now and there have been times when the heartbreak has felt too much to bear. Dr. Floyd has been there to hold my hand, wipe my tears or just laugh with me on the days that are good! Her expertise and moral support have been absolutely vital on my journey. I am so very blessed to have her on my team! Best of all, I have really noticed an improvement in my overall well-being. I'm doing so much better than when I first came to her. My body, mind and spirit are transforming from the inside out and have a renewed sense of hope that I will be pregnant soon.” - Tara

“I was given a referral to Dr. Floyd by a woman who owned a baby store I just so happened to walk into during Christmas time. Turns out, It was the best gift given to me. At the time, I was stressed, worn down, chronically itching on my legs and been ttc for the past 2 years. At my first visit with Dr. Floyd, she reviewed all my information, asked questions and set up a game plan from lab tests to herbs/supplements along with my first acupuncture treatment. After the first 2-3 treatments, the itching on my legs began to subside and eventually went away completely. It was amazing. I had tried everything before. I continued treatment to help with stress and conceiving. I can’t say enough about Dr. Floyd. Not only is Dr. Floyd vastly educated and knowledgeable, she has such a humble spirit and kind heart. She is so patient, encouraging and a great listener. Dr. Floyd not only helped me physically but mentally and spiritually as well. Currently, Its been 9 months since my first visit. I’m so excited to say that I’m expecting a precious miracle in the spring. I can’t thank Dr. Floyd enough for helping me on this journey to peace and wellness.” -Ashley

“No words can describe how grateful I am to Dr. Floyd for a successful fertility journey.   After suffering two miscarriages, I was feeling defeated and broken, but still had a strong desire to keep on trying to conceive a second child. I knew I had to do something different but wasn't sure what to do.  After much consideration, I decided to turn to Acupuncture and Chinese medicine.  Little would I know that after one email to Dr. Floyd, my journey would take a turn for the better.  Dr. Floyd's genuine interest and calm demeanor helped me open up about my fertility struggles.  She encouraged me to work with traditional medicine to get necessary labs and tests done to figure out the root of infertility. Medical tests didn't show anything out of the ordinary which left me confused and asking "Why can't I have a baby?"  After several months of Acupuncture along with cupping, I noticed a change in my body and menstrual flow.  It felt as if a big block had been removed. On Christmas Day, I took a pregnancy test, and got the news my heart so desired.  I was pregnant again, but my journey didn't end there.  Dr. Floyd continued to treat me throughout my pregnancy, getting me through my first trimester and second with flying colors. Little ailments that I complained about including bleeding, pain, constipation were addressed and within days had subsided.  I am now in my third trimester and looking forward to meeting our baby girl.  I am a firm believer in Acupuncture and Chinese medicine and beyond thankful for having Dr. Floyd guide me on my journey.” -Jenn

Menopause, pcos, & period pain reviews:

"I came to Dr. Floyd because I am approaching menopause and needed assistance with hot flashes and night sweats. Before I came to Dr. Floyd I was having 5-6 hot flashes a night and 3 during the day. After 2 weeks of taking my Chinese herbs religiously, my hot flashes are down to 1 a day and 2 at night. Now when I do experience them, the severity has decreased and the sweating at night has lightened. The only thing I have done differently is acupuncture and herbs!" -Renee

“Just a shout-out to Dr. Floyd. I have been getting acupuncture for the past year for PCOS and IVF-prep. I have always loved the benefits of increased relaxation and energy, but the last few months I have been working weekly with Dr. Floyd and she has been truly in-tune with my body. She plans my treatments but customizes them depending on how I present that day, and changed my Eastern medicine supplement to one that noticeably improves my energy. Last week I got the first full normal period I have had in years, instead of that "barely there" period! And my cycles are starting to get 60ish days apart instead of several months or years apart! So grateful to see changes and have hope that maybe my body CAN function. If you have ever considered acupuncture and can squeeze it into your budget, I highly recommend it." -Sara

“I had no idea that the blood you shed could have a ‘good’ quality. Ive had little to no period pain as well!” -Julie

“Dr. Caroline Floyd is absolutely amazing. We started seeing Dr. Floyd after 2 failed IUI's and discovered I had PCOS. After 15 years of irregular periods Dr. Floyd was able to help me regulate my periods and help treat my PCOS symptoms. She has been a blessing through our journey." - Kayla

Health & Wellness Reviews:

"Trying to maintain balance in an intensive graduate program is a difficult thing, and my ability to shut my brain off and get a good night sleep while I was going through mine got worse and worse until it was full-blown insomnia. That was until I met with Dr. Floyd.  After an in-depth consultation, she prescribed a Chinese herb formula for me and literally within two or three days I was sleeping like a rock every night, and with none of the side effects that come with pharmaceuticals. The combination of the herbal formulas she gave me, along with the acupuncture treatments, was a major factor in allowing me to successfully complete my program." -Travis

“This is my first time having Eastern Medicine...acupuncture and herbs. I’ve been going for a month and I’m feeling the best I’ve felt since my complex Autoimmune diagnosis.” -Shirla

“There hasn’t been a moment like western pharmaceuticals where i ‘feel the medicine working,’ which is what I like about these herbs. Everything was gradual, and I look back and realize that my anxiety would have been so much higher as I open my new business location if I wasn’t on these herbs and getting weekly acupuncture. The herbs have helped ease my anxiety AND helped balance my hormones.” -Katie