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How Fertility RX improves your fertility:

Plain and simple: Dr. Floyd Rx formulas can improve your fertility by improving your menstrual cycle. Your menses is your diagnostic tool into your hormone fluctuations, and we can learn a lot about your body through your period.

Imbalanced hormones have negative repercussions on your fertility, such as:

  • Poor eqq quality, low AMH, or diminished ovarian reserve

  • Poor endometrial lining, making implantation less likely

  • Period irregularities: clotted, painful, heavy/light, discolored, or irregular length

  • Ovulation problems: anovulation, irregular ovulation

  • Luteal phase defect

Since your period occurs because of the waxing and waning of your hormones, periods that are painful, irregular, clotted, heavy, or light, can be indicative of an underlying hormone imbalance. 

As Dr. Floyd likes to say-

“Your period is your hormonal report card.”


Where to start:


There are 4 formulas based on menstrual symptoms: Build, Balance, Flow, and Relieve. Choose the formula that best represents your current menstrual period.


A nourishing formula for those with a history of:

  • light, scanty periods: periods that last only a day or two

  • periods with a light quantity of blood

  • thin endometrial lining (diagnosed typically when working through an IVF cycle)



A regulating formula for those with a history of:

  • inconsistent cycles: irregular or no ovulation, irregular period length, skipped periods, PCOS

  • heavy periods: heavy in quantity and typically more lengthy



A moving formula for those with a history of:

  • painful periods: pain that accompanies or precedes your cycle, endometriosis

  • clotted periods

  • migraines that accompany or precede your cycle



An alleviating formula for those with a history of:

  • PMS: irritability preceding or accompanying your cycle

  • bloating

  • breast distention and pain

  • bowel irregularities preceding or accompanying your cycle

Deciding between two formulas? A customized, phasic protocol may be best for you! A phasic protocol entails one formula during your follicular phase (first half of your cycle) and one during your luteal phase (second half of your cycle).

If you’re unsure of the formula you need to take and would like to consult with Dr. Floyd, you can contact her here.


Take the formula daily, as instructed on the bottle. Chinese herbs are different than western pharmaceuticals in that they work with your body to restore proper function. This process takes time. Daily consistency is key to see results!


Pay close attention to how your period symptoms change. For example: does your period even out in quantity? Do you have less pain? Is ovulation more regular or less painful? Do you have changes in the quality of the blood?

Everyone is different, some may see changes their first cycle. Some may need a cycle or two to notice changes. The goal is for your period to come and go with ease. A well balanced body should have a period that is timely, has minimal pain and spotting, and has a steady flow.


The more regular your period becomes, the more balanced your hormones are.

Balanced hormones = optimized fertility


Unsure of where to start?

We now offer herbal consults.