REVIVE: postpartum

REVIVE: postpartum


A replenishing formula that can provide relief from those experiencing:

  • postpartum fatigue

  • mental fog

  • irregular periods since giving birth

  • poor immunity

As incredible as the act of childbirth is, it is also demanding and depleting on the body.  Couple that with nights of little sleep, breastfeeding, and rediscovering your body and mind post-baby, there is little room for you to focus on yourself.  

Revive’s ingredients are inspired by an ancient Chinese medicinal formula that features white peony root and ginseng as the star ingredients to help restore the energy and mental clarity of the postpartum parent. White peony root is highly regarded by herbalists and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners for its ability to stabilize emotions and help alleviate brain fog. 

Ginseng has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years as, what Chinese herbalist call, a “qi tonic.” Qi tonics are used to help restore the body back to homeostasis, leaving you energized and rejuvenated.

With this specific formulation of Chinese herbs,  the postpartum parent can nourish their body to encourage proper healing and recovery.

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  • White peony root (bai shao): tonifies blood, regulates the menstrual cycle

  • Ginger (sheng jiang): warms the center (stomach) and aids in digestion

  • Angelicae (dang gui): helps regulate menstruation and restore proper blood flow

  • Cinnamon bark (rou gui): warms and stimulates vital functions of the body

  • Licorice root (zhi gan cao): harmonizes and balances the formula

  • Tangerine peel (chen pi): mild digestive stimulant, helpful with indigestion and gas

  • Ginseng (ren shen): rejuvenative antioxidant (ginsenosides), energy support

  • Atractylodis macro (bai zhu): helps digestion and fatigue 

  • Astragalus (huang qi): immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, supports vital energy

  • Rehmanniae (shu di huang): helps anemia, builds blood 

  • Schisandra fruit (wu wei zi): adaptogen, helpful for energy

  • Poria (fu ling): type of mushroom that helps digestion and calms the mind

  • Senega root (yuan zhi): helps anxiety, restlessness, insomnia

  • Chinese date (da zao): helps calm the mind

Capsule: gelatin, cellulose, non-GMO corn starch

Dosage: 3 pills 3x a day with food. One bottle, taken as instructed, lasts 11 days.

Want your bottle to last longer? If your body is more sensitive, you can start with 2 pills 3 times a day. If you’re getting the desired results from that dose, stay there! Taken at this dose you would need 1.5 bottles to get through the month.

If you experience loose stools, start with a lower dose (1 pill 2x a day) and ease your way up. If you experience any adverse side effects, stop the formula immediately and consult your physician. 


-Do not take if pregnant. 

-Use with caution when breastfeeding. Everything you ingest has the possibility of passing through your breast milk. If you notice any digestive upset or changes in the child when taking this formula, stop the formula. 

Additional information:

-For best results, combine use of these products with professional care from a skilled Chinese Medicine practitioner. 

-Dr. Floyd Rx products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided is not intended to substitute or replace advice provided to you by your health care provider.

Have questions? Contact Dr. Floyd. 


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